Sitch Creek Culvert #2, Gillies Twp.
Sitch Creek #3 at Hymers, Gillies Twp.
Cedar Creek Culvert, O’Connor Twp.
In early 2016 the LH North team began detailed design of three new structures on highway 595. Our soil investigation led to the final design of these new structural plate culverts incorporating grade modifications, sheet wing walls, new guard rail and paving. The staged construction sequence allowed local traffic to continue to use Highway 595 during the project.
The successful completion of this 2 year project was in July 2017.
Highway 627 Camp Creek (Pic River Tributary) is located near Marathon just off highway 17.
The original Camp Creek culvert was a 96 metre long culvert located under Highway 627 beneath a large 18 metre embankment. As Highway 627 is an important link to local communities, restricting traffic on this highway was not an option. With challenging site conditions, traffic constraints and sensitive environmental issues it was decided that a trenchless solution was the preferred method of construction.
Using TBM borehole drilling technology, LH North tunnelled a new 90 metre long culvert beneath the existing highway. The new 2100mm pipe is approximately 5.5 metre away from the existing culvert and stream bed. Using natural channel design and the on-site guidance of a fisheries specialist, a new realigned stream bed channel was incorporated into the work allowing the Pic River Tributary to flow naturally under the embankment. After the stream was happily in its new home, the old culvert was then filled with grout and abandoned. This project was successfully completed months ahead of schedule using this innovative approach to culvert replacement resulting in cost and time savings for our client.
This project began July 2016 and was completed July 2017.
Beginning in January 2015 LH North was contracted to provide design build services for three new culverts under Highway 71 on the Black, Pine and Log rivers near Nestor Falls. After extensive preliminary site surveys and geotechnical investigations, our highly skilled design team designed and constructed 3 Structural Arch culverts under the highway using staged construction techniques. Highway, traffic, natural channel and structural design were utilized to create the best site specific culvert design in each situation.
The project was completed successfully on time and on budget in 2016.